The Impact of COVID Restrictions on Business Dynamics (with Paige Rowberry and Matthew Spiegel)
Determinants and Consequences of Return to Office Policies (with Sean J. Flynn and Vasudha Nair)
Winners and Losers From the Work-from-Home Technology Boon (with Morris A. Davis and Jesse Gregory)
The Effect of Capital Gains Taxes on Business Creation and Employment: The Case of Opportunity Zones (with Alina Arefeva, Morris A. Davis, and Minseon Park)
Management Science, forthcoming.
The Imitation Game: How Encouraging Renegotiation Makes Good Borrowers Bad
(with Sean J. Flynn and Alexei Tchistyi)
Review of Financial Studies, 2024, 37:12, 3648-3709.
The Work-from-Home Technology Boon and its Consequences (with Morris A. Davis and Jesse Gregory)
Review of Economic Studies, 2024, 91:6, 3362-3401.
Replication Package
Selected media coverage: Freakonomics, Densely Speaking
Less technical summary: VoxEU
Does Main Street Benefit from What Happens on Wall Street? (with Sean J. Flynn)
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2024, 59:3,1300-1336.
Should Defined Contribution Plans Include Private Equity Investments? (with Greg Brown, Keith Crouch, and many others...)
Financial Analysts Journal, 2022, 78:4, 5-17.
Asset Insulators (with Gabriel Chodorow-Reich and Valentin Haddad)
Review of Financial Studies, 2021, 34:3, 1509-39.
What's wrong with Pittsburgh? Delegated investors and liquidity concentration
Journal of Financial Economics, 2021, 139, 337-58.
Informational Efficiency in Securitization After Dodd-Frank (with Sean J. Flynn and Alexei Tchistyi)
Review of Financial Studies, 2020, 33:11, 5131-71.
Second Mortgages: Valuation and Implications for the Performance of Structured Products (with Kristian Miltersen and Walter Torous)
Real Estate Economics, 2020, 48:4, 1234-73.
Commercial Real Estate as an Asset Class (with Walter Torous and Rossen Valkanov, October 2019)
Annual Review of Financial Economics, 2019, 11, 153-171.
Complexity in Structured Finance (with Walter Torous and Rossen Valkanov)
Review of Economic Studies, 2019, 86:2, 694-722.
Selected media coverage: Bloomberg News
Competition and Credit Ratings After the Fall (with Sean J. Flynn)
Management Science, 2018, 64:4, 1672-92.
The CARD Act and Young Borrowers: The Effects and the Affected (with Peter Debbaut and Marianna Kudlyak)
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2016, 48:7, 1495-513.
Selected media coverage: NBC, Forbes, US News, Yahoo Finance, Bloomberg
Comparing Securitized and Balance Sheet Loans: Size Matters (with Rossen Valkanov)
Management Science, 2016, 62:10, 2784-803.
Did Affordable Housing Legislation Contribute to the Subprime Securities Boom? (with Ruben Hernandez-Murillo and Michael Owyang)
Real Estate Economics, 2015, 43:4, 820-54.
Selected Media Coverage: New Republic, The Daily Beast, The Washington Post, The Huffington Post
Home Ownership, Household Leverage, and Hyperbolic Discounting
Real Estate Economics, 2015, 43:3, 750-81.
How do Case Law and Statute Differ? Lessons from the Evolution of Mortgage Law
Journal of Law & Economics, 2014, 57:4, 1085-1122.
Selected Media Coverage: The Wall Street Journal (Developments Blog)
Differences in Subprime Loan Pricing Across Races and Neighborhoods (with Ruben Hernandez-Murillo and Michael Owyang)
Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2014, 48, 199-215.
Infrequent Housing Adjustment, Limited Participation, and Monetary Policy
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2012, 44:5, 931-955.
Appendix Replication Files
Recourse and Residential Mortgage Default: Evidence from U.S. States (with Marianna Kudlyak)
Review of Financial Studies, 2011, 24:9, 3139-3186.
Selected media coverage: The Wall Street Journal (Developments Blog), The New York Times, CBS, The New Republic (blog)
Securitization and Mortgage Renegotiation: Evidence from the Great Depression
Review of Financial Studies, 2011, 24:6, 1814-1847.
Erratum (Typesetting error) Data
Is Housing the Business Cycle? Evidence from US Cities (with Michael Owyang)
Journal of Urban Economics, 2010, 67:3, 336-351.
Comparing DSGE-VAR Forecasting Models: How Big are the Differences?
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2009, 33:4, 864-882.
Appendix Matlab Codes and Data
Is America's Housing Affordability Problem a Housing Problem? (with David Leather)
The Best Cities for Firms (with Eva Steiner)
How do Households Make Mortgage Choices? (with Vincent Yao)